The McHenry County DUI Lawyer

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The McHenry County DUI Laywer

(847) 854-7700        

Dealing With The Stress Of A DUI Case

Jan 10, 2021 | DUI, McHenry County DUI Lawyer

Getting convicted of DUI is a nightmare to many individuals, and it can make life incredibly stressful if not properly managed. Aside from the shock of the initial arrest, most people often battle with a severe panic attack. The expensive fines and suspended license are more like an ice top, coupled with community services.

A DUI conviction can impact all areas of your life, even ordinary things like running an errand. However, these can all be managed with the right attitude. That is why you must take care of yourself and move forward.

  1. Stop Beating Yourself

Usually, most people convicted of DUI dwell in self-loathing and regret. It is often a depressing time, and you need to understand that it’s not the end of the world. You made a mistake, just like thousands of people do every day. Feeling guilty or beating yourself for what you should or shouldn’t have done only complicate your issues. It will do you no good, but dwelling on the positive aspect will be something you will never regret.

  1. Give Yourself Time To Recover

There is always help for you, and you need to understand that you’re not alone. But first, you need to realize that you’re not a criminal. They might have treated you like one, didn’t they? When you think about the handcuffs, the horrible food they gave you, – that’s if they provide you with food to begin with. The whole system was designed to strip you of your dignity. It is humiliating, but understanding how the system works will help you recover. Give yourself time, and you’ll be fine and back on your feet again.

  1. Ask Questions And Stay Informed

One of the things that will help you in this stage of life is to stay informed and ask questions regarding things you don’t understand. The more you know your situation and learning all you can about DUI convictions, you will gain back control. It is not always easy to navigate through such a dark time, but learning can become the only thing you need to deal with DUI stress.

  1. Make A Plan

It is never a bad idea to make a plan after a DUI conviction. Usually, you will have many issues to address, appointments, transportation, and some financial obligation. Sit down for a moment, and try to calm your bursting mind before you start tackling these pressing issues. If you must reduce stress and rest peacefully, you need to stay organized. This entails making a budget, scheduling your commitments, or probably postponing some of your appointment if there are any.

  1. Seek A Support System

You might not be able to handle the stress; that is why your families and friends are there to help. Try to reach out to them and keep them updated about your progress. Try as much as possible to express your feelings and thoughts, and you’ll be stunned how better such an activity makes you feel. If you don’t have a family or a friend to turn to, there are support groups that you can always find within your locality. A little research online will reveal some online and offline support groups that will help you deal with DUI stress.

For help with your DUI or traffic case, please contact our office.  With over 75 years of combined legal experience, Attorneys David B. Franks, David N. Rechenberg and James H. Andrle have helped regular people overcome extraordinary obstacles.

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Contact FKM&A Law today at (847) 854-7700
