The McHenry County DUI Lawyer

(847) 854-7700        
The McHenry County DUI Laywer

(847) 854-7700        

Four Questions For Hiring A Lawyer For Criminal Or DUI Defense

Feb 25, 2020 | Blog, DUI, McHenry County DUI Lawyer

When you are looking to hire the right lawyer for your Illinois criminal or DUI defense case, you will need to be careful and ask the right questions.  These practical questions would help you get the right criminal or DUI defense lawyer for your case.

  1. Are You Familiar With This Type of Case And Its Affects?

For example, depending upon your particular circumstances and situation, you should ask the DUI defense attorney if he or she has handled blood-draw cases, is familiar with the breathalyzer machines, knows the Arresting Officer, knows the Prosecutor, and has appeared before the Judge where your case will be heard.  You should ask the criminal or DUI defense lawyer if he or she knows whether or not a sentence may affect eligibility for student grants or loans, whether or not a sentence may affect job opportunities, whether or not your arrest must be reported to your employer, whether or not a sentence can later be expunged from your record, whether or not a criminal sentence will affect your eligibility to remain in the United States, and whether or not a sentence will preclude you from possessing a firearm.  Many people often overlook asking these important questions.  You may even ask the potential criminal or DUI defense attorney if they have received specific training in defending your type of case, have spoken at continuing legal education seminars, or have published articles about defending your type of case.  To make an informed decision when retaining a criminal or DUI defense attorney, you must ask questions regarding your particular situation.

  1. How Do You Communicate With Your Clients? Will I Receive Court Appearance Date Reminders?

Communication is vital in an attorney-client relationship.  It is important that you learn the medium of your attorney.  Will your criminal defense attorney communicate by letter, or e-mail., or text, or telephone?  Clients have different expectations when it comes to communication; some may wish to receive regular updates about any development.  So, get to know how to keep in touch.

Your criminal defense lawyer should be able to keep you updated regarding your next scheduled court date, because missing your court appearance can lead to the Court issuing a warrant for your arrest and forfeiting your bail bond.

3.  Who Will Appear In Court With Me?

Usually, your DUI or criminal defense attorney should be appear in court with you.  But due to last-minute emergencies or scheduling conflicts, the lawyer’s colleague might step in.  Remember, this is a criminal or a DUI case, and your livelihood and possibly, your freedom, are at stake.  The answer to this question may determine whether or not you hire the criminal defense attorney.

  1. How Much Do You Expect This To Cost?

Finally, you should ask your potential criminal or DUI defense attorney about the cost of the case.  Most attorneys should be able to provide you with a ballpark estimate.  Some may charge an additional retainer if your case proceeds to trial.  In some instances, if you don’t have the retainer upfront, your criminal or DUI defense attorney may be able to work out a payment plan with you.

For help with your DUI or traffic case, please contact our office.  With over 75 years of combined legal experience, Attorneys David B. Franks, David N. Rechenberg and James H. Andrle have helped regular people overcome extraordinary obstacles.

Get the representation and compensation you deserve

Contact FKM&A Law today at (847) 854-7700
