There are two components to a DUI that you need to be aware of; the administrative and criminal components. Both are very important but today we are going to discuss the administrative side.
The administrative, or sometimes called civil, component of a DUI matter gets the Illinois Secretary of State office in the mix and this involves the statutory summary suspension of your driver’s license. In Illinois, if you are arrested, and you submitted to a breath, blood, or urine test and the test come back indicating a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or greater, or you have drugs in your system, your driver’s license will be suspended for a period of 6 months. Now, if you refuse to submit to the testing of your breath, blood or urine, the the Illinois Secretary of State will suspend your license for 12 months.
The reinstatement of you driver’s license is not automatic, even if the DUI charge is dismissed or are found Not Guilty after trial. To have your license reinstated, you have to pay a reinstatement fee of either $250 or $500. This is based on how many times you have been charged with a DUI before. If you are convicted of the DUI offense and you are not sentenced to a period of Court Supervision, the Illinois Secretary of State will take away your license for a minimus of one year, minimum of five for two offenses (in a 20 year period), minimum of ten years for a third offense and lifetime for a fourth DUI.
One thing to consider too when dealing with a DUI is other charges you may have that came with this conviction like reckless driving, leaving the scene, improper lane usage, or any other criminal or traffic offenses.
For help with your DUI or traffic case, please contact our office. With over 75 years of combined legal experience, Attorneys David B. Franks, David N. Rechenberg and James H. Andrle have helped regular people overcome extraordinary obstacles.