The McHenry County DUI Lawyer

(847) 854-7700        
The McHenry County DUI Laywer

(847) 854-7700        

Criminal Component to DUI in Illinois

Dec 13, 2019 | Blog, DUI, McHenry County, McHenry County DUI Lawyer

The criminal component of DUI in Illinois involves the actual charge of DUI against the motorist by a law enforcement officer.  This is essentially when you are arrested by getting handcuffed and transported to the police department for processing.  The reason for the arrest was due to failing the field sobriety test by the police officer, and/or submitting to a preliminary breathalyzer test (PBT).

Now what are the criminal charges that you can have?

A first or second charge for DUI is classified as a Class “A” misdemeanor.  Now you can also be charged with a Felony if there are other circumstances in the case like operating an uninsured motor vehicle, an invalid drivers license, or getting into an accident which causes bodily harm or death.  Also 3 DUI’s or more will be a felony and can carry a possibility of jail time.

For help with your DUI or traffic case, please contact our office.  With over 75 years of combined legal experience, Attorneys David B. Franks, David N. Rechenberg and James H. Andrle have helped regular people overcome extraordinary obstacles.

Get the representation and compensation you deserve

Contact FKM&A Law today at (847) 854-7700
