Approved Breathalyzers
Approved Preliminary Breathalyzers
The Illinois State Police approves the following preliminary breathalyzers for obtaining breath analysis readings:
1) S-D2, manufactured by CMI, Inc.
2) Alcosensor III, manufactured by Intoximeters, Inc.
3) Alcosensor III (Enhanced with serial numbers above 1,200,000), manufactured by Intoximeters, Inc.
4) Alcosensor IV, manufactured by Intoximeters, Inc.
5) S-D5, manufactured by CMI, Inc.
6) Alcosensor FST, manufactured by Intoximeters, Inc.Testing of Breath, Blood and Urine for Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Intoxicating Compounds
20 Illinois Administrative Code 1286.240
Approved Evidentiary Breathalyzers
The Illinois State Police approves the following evidentiary breathalyzers for obtaining breath analysis readings:
1) Intoximeters EC-IR, manufactured by Intoximeters, Inc.
2) RBT IV, in conjunction with a printer, manufactured by Intoximeters, Inc.
3) Intoximeters EC-IR II, manufactured by Intoximeters, Inc.
4) Intoxilyzer 8000, manufactured by CMI, Inc.
5) Intoxilyzer EC-IR II, with serial numbers 10001 and above, manufactured by Intoximeters, Inc.
Testing of Breath, Blood and Urine for Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Intoxicating Compounds
20 Illinois Administrative Code 1286.240
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